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Virtual Team Quiz

Virtual Events
virtual team quiz
Christmas Activities

Virtual Team Quiz - Virtual Events

Our Virtual Team Quiz was designed to replace the after work social, encouraging teams to let their hair down and have a laugh!

Event Summary

Creative / Practical

What's Involved?

Played in the comfort of your own home, this is a virtual pub quiz enabling teams to connect, have some fun and get competitive. Hosted via video conferencing software and one of our event facilitators, you’ll be up against your colleagues to see who can score the highest points.

Your remote event starts with an uplifting briefing from one of our experienced facilitators who will be present (virtually!) via video. Participants will then get stuck into the activity, completing the challenges with their colleagues via video stream and through our interactive app. 

With a huge variety of content and app features, the challenges are designed to recreate the things that we love about working in a busy office. Each activity will bring your team together, prevent people feeling isolated and boost morale.


The event can last up to 60 minutes, depending on your requirements and team sizes.

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