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Top 5 Creative Team Building Events

top 5 creative team building events
Christmas Activities

Get the creative juices flowing to encourage imaginative and inspiring team building ideas

Do you work in a dynamic and creative office environment? Are you eager to inspire your employees to think more creatively in the workplace? Team building that inspires creativity encourages an environment of excitement and propels individuals to think outside of the box. It's the best way to maximise their performance and help encourage fun and engaging team building. When colleagues are given the opportunity to create something together it will leave attendees with great memories of their creative, imaginative and collaborative team building experience. 

Creative team building is the ideal morale boost and provides fresh motivation for your team

Here are our top 5 team building events designed to inspire individuals to think outside the box:

Chocolate Chip Challenge

This highly creative and inspired team building event is an activity with both sweet and serious sides. Teams will complete brain busting puzzles, quizzes and physical challenges to buy materials and create unique chocolate products designed to impress the judges. It's requires a sweet tooth and plenty of smart planning as you use individual member skills, strengths and talents to win. Not only can delegates create sweet delights, they can use the cash to design their own unique packaging to pitch to their market original chocolate creations.

Picasso Picture Show

This team building event is a chance for delegates to unleash their inner artist and the top event for creative flair. Can you recreate a masterpiece from memory? Bring the idea of the bigger picture to life with splashes of vivid colour and blank canvases as delegates are tasked to replace a 5ft x 4ft abstract painting. There are tasks to overcome as one team member tells the other what to paint and where, the communicator can only view the original at allotted times and the deadlines are tight. The finale artwork is completed and presented to employees at the end as a memento of what they've achieved during the event.

Soap Box Derby

This is an event where teams can create their own bespoke roadsters from scratch, you'll go bumper to bumper in a series of races against your colleagues. Soapbox Derby uses only basic materials and tools, team building their own roadsters from scratch as you go bumper to bonnet in a series of races. It's fun, competitive team building designed to get individuals to collaborate to achieve a common goal. The fun races include the speed slalom, traffic light burn off, hill climb and the grand prix finale. Can you make it to the finale?

Wacky Wheels

For the ultimate Blue Peter moment amongst your colleagues the Wacky Wheels event is a top way to get your employees creative caps on. Teams will be tasked to create the most dynamic vehicles using only the materials provided. Employees will read through a model build guide and assess the best option to create individual vehicles. Teams will then compete in series of races and really encourages collaboration and creative thinking amongst members.

Charity Bike Build

Get creative juices flowing whilst you give something back to the community. Roll up your sleeves and get your teams engaged with local charities. Remember building a bike from scratch isn't easy and our trusty mechanics will be on hand to introduce your team to the six key elements of the machine. Delegates will be tasked to build a bike from scratch, once completed the machine will be tested and certified by an engineer and ready to be delivered to the charity of your choice.

What are your top 5 creative team building events? We'd love to hear from you on Linkedin or Twitter.

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Written by Jenna Halford

15th Thursday March 2018

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