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The Three E's of Team Building

the three e's of team building
Christmas Activities

2020 is here and team building is so important for your year to be a successful one. We have created the 3 E’s of team building which are here to ensure your team is motivated and inspired to hit all targets in each quarter. 


“To interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it” Cambridge Dictionary 2020

Giving your team something different to focus on other than work will increase engagement rates in the office. Everyone socialising together becoming a strong team unit and working collectively to complete a challenge or activity successfully. Engaging your employees is important for team morale, motivation and relationships. Give your team an event to look forward to, something to work towards and the ability to get excited together.  


“To search and discover (about something)” Cambridge Dictionary 2020 

Be sure to explore your options when it comes to team building. We have a huge variety of activities to suit every company which deliver on your set objectives. Whether it’s indoor, outdoor, themed, evening, daytime or even a multi activity day we have you covered. Our experienced team will go through everything with you to ensure you get the event you and your employees will remember. Searching for the right event can be a tricky task but with our help you will find the team building event that provides fun, accomplishes objectives and engages your team. 


“To do something better than you usually do” Cambridge Dictionary 2020  

Team building aims to bring teams together and motivate individuals when they are back in the office doing their day to day job. Employees will feel happier if they recognise that the company, they work for care about them and their well-being. A company will be looked at as somewhere people want to work due to how the employees are treated. After a team building event clients see the work rate of their employees increase, as well as the level of how well a task is completed increase dramatically. Productivity is heightened after a team building event and therefore employees are performing better than they usually do.   

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Written by Charlotte Sneddon

10th Friday January 2020

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