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Motivational Health Wheel

motivational health wheel
Christmas Activities

Well-being in simple terms means personal happiness, feeling good and living healthily. The motivational wheel infographic highlights the emotional triggers that impact an individual's personal and professional life.

Team building events help increase awareness, combat stress, improve work life balance and inspire you to think more positively. It's important to acknowledge the healthier and happier you are the more productive you are in the workplace.

Off Limits Event Professionals have designed a number of personalised events to help support the emotional well-being of employees:


The Bollywood Boost event is full of colour, energy and emotion and is perfect for a physical boost. The high energy Bollywood and Bhangra dancing brings individual creativity and team work together in a fun and fresh way. 


Learn how to be in the moment and totally in sync and comfortable with your emotions at the Health In Mind session. The hands on session will help you to explore mindfulness through music, movement, listening, talking, meditation, muscle relaxation and mind-body association.


The Team Work Challenge event is popular with clients as it helps colleagues understand the strengths of the people they work with on a day-to-day basis.  We have designed a range of team building challenges to tackle some of the issues in the workplace such as time management, delegation, working as a unit and making the most of your colleagues individual strengths. 


Laughter can truly be the best medicine and the Comedy Class event is the ideal way to get clients out of their comfort zone. The innovative, comedy class is full of fun and will teach you about yourself and the people around you.


The art of the practicing meditation can be achieved through the Stress Buster Session The half or full-day workshop includes a mix of yoga, meditation, beginner massage, tai-chi and visualisation. The session is delivered by experts and will introduce methods and tools to reducing stress in your personal and professional environment.


The Eco-Shelter Building event is a hands-on, green team-building event. It teaches the traditional countryside craft of woodworking and is great for raising awareness of sustainability, developing team work principles and illustrating the value of resourcefulness. 

Have you introduced any well-being activities into your workplace? We'd love to hear from you on Linked In or Twitter. 

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Written by Jenna Halford

29th Wednesday June 2016

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