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How to keep your team fired up in Q2

how to keep your team fired up in q2
Christmas Activities

Keeping your team motivated in quarter 2 is as important as any quarter but we are focusing on the now. Happy motivated teams will achieve greater than the organisations that forget to create the sense of team unification. Below are some top tips on how you can ensure your team are driven and committed to succeed this quarter.

1. Listen. 

Everyone in the team wants to feel that they are listened too equally. If they have ideas talk about them and how they could work or how they may need small changes to make them successful. Whether this is through one-to-one meetings or group meetings giving your team the opportunity to speak and provide input instils a sense of ownership. Make sure that you recognise employee’s contribution and respond to them in a timely manner. 

2. Set the goals – give them a finish line. 

A prime way of motivating people is to give them an end goal or time frame in which they need to complete a specific task. This could even relate to personal development, take an interest in what they want to learn and what is important to them to make them succeed in their role. You can even have processes in place for employee rewards when they meet budgets and targets.

3. Circle of trust. 

Employees want to work for leadership that they can trust. To create trust within your team, make sure that communication is transparent and frequent. Ensure that your team know that you trust them too, it works both ways. Collaboration is key to building trust. 

4. Help them grow

Support and recognise your teams’ individual interests and goals. Allowing them a little bit of freedom into a project will make them feel confident in their role. Within a team of individuals everyone will have different interests within their own job roles, if there is something that interest someone more it makes sense to let them take that project over someone who may not be so motivated by the topic. 

5. Ring Off Limits Event Professionals

Book a team building event for the end of the quarter for everyone to look forward to!! 

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Written by Charlotte Sneddon

12th Friday April 2019

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